Penwithick Movie Club logo in a sans-serif font


* To Make Sunday Evenings Memorable With Great Movies *

A Selection of Our Recent Movies

Movie poster for the 'Aquaman' film Movie poster for the first 'Borat' film Movie poster for the second 'Borat' film Movie poster for the 'Forrest Gump' film Movie poster for the 'Hereditary' film Movie poster for the first 'Jackass' film Movie poster for the first 'Johnny English' film Movie poster for the second 'Johnny English' film Movie poster for the 'Jurassic Park: The Lost World' film Movie poster for the 'Shutter' film Movie poster for 'The Hunger Games' film Movie poster for 'The Martian' film

We meet every Sunday evening at 7:30pm, Penwithick Social Club, to watch a movie and have fun. Why not bring your own snacks and come along for free?

Meet The Founders

Chris Larham smiling
Chris Larham
Usually found spilling his tea at horror 'jump scares'.
William Larham smiling
William Larham
Unfazed by horror 'jump scares'; enjoys horror and comedy.
Seth Larham smiling
Seth Larham
Enjoys all genres of film; a bit jumpy at horror, just like his old man.
Alyssa Larham smiling
Alyssa Larham
Not a fan of horror; enjoys every other genre.

Penwithick Movie Club
01726 850205
Location of the Penwithick Social Club displayed in Google Maps
Penwithick Social Club, Penwithick, St Austell.