Chris Larham: Bio
I graduated from the University of Bolton with a 2:1 BA (Hons.) degree in English in 2008, and I have worked in the NHS ever since. I am passionate about coding and linguistics, and I enjoy jogging in my spare time. I am married and have three children.
Here is a selection of projects that I have worked on. Click the images to be taken to the 'live' web pages. The 'e-commerce application REST API', 'Mars Imgs', and 'Opportunity Rover' are hosted using Heroku's 'eco dyno' plan; they can take up to ten seconds to load, but run efficiently once loaded.
I achieved 5 'A's and 5 'A*'s in my GCSEs, followed by 4 'A's at A/S Level, 3 'A's at A Level, and a 2:1 English BA (Hons.) degree. I am also w3schools-certified in HTML, JavaScript, and XML. From 2021-2023 I successfully completed six courses on Codecademy: Full-Stack Engineer; Learn jQuery; Learn Python 3; Learn PHP; Learn Java; and Learn C#. I then passed IT Career Switch's Coding Traineeship exam with a score of 84%. Hover over the images below to increase their size.
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